Microbiological quality of cooked skewers sold in the municipality of Adjame in Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire)
Microbiological, Health risks, Consumers, Cooked skewersAbstract
The objective of this study is to evaluate the microbiological quality of skewers sold on the street in order to define an approach to protect consumer health. A consumption survey was carried in the commune of Adjame because in this commune, the sale and consumption of beef skewers meat is widespread. For this study, 108 peoples were interviewed. In the same way, the enumeration of certain microorganisms was carried out. Results had showed that the number of male consumers was equal to that of female consumers (50%) but majority of consumers were single (82%). Among consumers, 52% developed discomfort at least once after eating beef skewers meat. The symptoms of these discomforts were mainly diarrhea (18%), abdominal aches (11%) and vomiting (6%), These discomforts lasted at least 1 day to 3 days and 6 % of these patients were hospitalized. In addition, microbiological analyses reveal the presence of microorganism such as Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, mesophilic aerobic germs, and coliforms with microbial loads higher than the European Community (EC) standard n°2073/2005 on ready-to eat, notably cold sold skewers. The mesophilic aerobic flora counted after the analysis of the cold-cooked skewers was 9.7±2.7x108 CFU/g and those cooked hot were 6±1.1 x106 CFU/g. So, our samples are highly contaminated. Thus, the sellers and consumers of skewers should receive training in food hygiene. Particular attention should be paid to all causes of food poisoning.
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