Current status and prospects of the use of biofungicides against plant diseases
plant diseases, pesticides, synthetic fungicides, biopesticides, biofungicides, antagonistic microorganisms, Trichoderma, BacillusAbstract
Plant pathogenic microorganisms cause great damage to the yield of agricultural crops and also reduce their commercial quality. This article highlights information on the level of damage caused to agricultural crops by pests, as well as the development of organic agriculture, which in recent years has received great attention in many developed countries. In addition, the data from literature were analyzed on the current state and problems of production of pesticides in the world and their use in agriculture, the use of biofungicides against plant diseases. The importance of synthetic pesticides, as well as, controlling the use of synthetic fungicides, and the use of alternative biofungicides in their replacement were also revealed. The article concludes on the need for public reforms and the role of systematic scientific research in creating a local biopesticides market.
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