Renal architectural changes in Plasmodium berghei inoculated mice
Kidney, Malaria, P. berghei, Renal Histo-architectureAbstract
Plasmodium falciparum (P. falciparum) is a specie of Plasmodium parasite responsible for the pathogenicity of malaria, a disease with several complications reported as the leading cause of over 1 million deaths worldwide. In this study, the effects of malaria on the kidney (Renal) histo-architecture was studied ex-vivo in albino mice rats. Twenty one (21) albino mice rats of between 30 – 35g weights were procured, acclimatized for two weeks in the animal unit of the Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State. They were then grouped into three (3) of seven (7) mice each, following which group I received standard rat diet and water ad libitum (control). Using the 2ml syringe, Groups II and III were inoculated with 0.2 ml of the malaria parasite Plasmodium berghei each intra-peritoneally. While group II mice were left untreated for 7 days, group III (infested) mice were administered with 5.7 mg/kg body weight of Coartem (an anti-malaria), morning and evening for 1 week. Following period of administration of substances, kidneys were harvested, rid of adherent tissues, and subjected through histological scrutiny to ascertain the changes in renal histo-morphology across groups. For each group, body weight changes were also noted within test duration and compared between groups with the one way analysis of variance. Where differences exist, the tukey (Post Hoc) test was used to ascertain the cause of the differences in body weight due to P. berghei. From the result, a statistically significant decrease (p > 0.05) in body weight was observed in P. berghei infested mice (Groups II and II) compared with control (group I). Body weight however recovered in Group III mice treated with coartem, proving to have increased significantly (p < 0.05) compared to control group. Renal histo-architectural changes revealed glomerulosclerosis, interstitial oedema and congested vessels in group II mice compared to control. We recommend similar study in other tissues other than the kidney for reference purposes.
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