In vitro investigation of the antisickling properties of aqueous fruits extracts of Citrus paradisi, Musa acuminata and Malus domestica
Antioxidants, Ethnomedicine, Hemoglobinopathy, Sickle cell disease, Sickling inhibitionAbstract
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a genetic blood disorder that affects the shape and transportation of red blood cells (RBCs) in blood vessels, leading to various clinical complications. Many drugs that are available for treating the disease are insufficiently effective, toxic, or too expensive. Therefore, there is a pressing need for safe, effective, and inexpensive therapeutic agents from indigenous plants used in ethnomedicine. In the current study, the potentials of aqueous extracts of Citrus paradisi, Musa acuminata, Malusdomestica fruit in sickle cell disease management were investigated in vitro using P-hydroxybenzoic acid and normal saline as positive and negative control respectively. The method employed the inhibition of sodium metabisulphite induced sickling of HbSS red blood cells, collected from confirmed sickle cell patients. Results obtained showed that; 50 mg/ml aqueous extract of Musa acuminata showed the lowest sickling inhibition (80.3%) at 60 minutes while 1 mg/ml gave the highest inhibition of 97.3% at 90 minutes. For Citrus paradisi, lowest (83.3%) and highest (98%) sickling inhibitions were obtained with 25 mg/ml and 50 mg/ml fruit extracts at 30 minutes and 60 minutes respectively. Malus domestica had the highest antisickling activities of 99% and 99.33% respectively at 30 and 60 minutes. In all, the sickling inhibition was least with Musa acuminata but highest with Malus domestica. Also, highest inhibitions were observed at 60 minutes (optimum time) and 10 mg/ml (optimum concentration). This study has demonstrated that; Malus domestica, Citrus paradisi and Musa acuminata possess antisickling potentials useful in the management or therapy of sickle cell diseases
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