Factors contributing to the students’ poor performance in biology subject: A case study of ordinary level in rural secondary schools of Rwamagana district
Poor performance, Poverty, Laboratory practices, Teaching methodologyAbstract
This study explored the factors contributing to the students’ poor performance in Biology subject. By using qualitative method design, sample were chosen purposefully from two secondary schools in rural area of Rwamagana district. The schools were selected on the fact that the students were characterized by poor performance in Biology in the years 2017 and 2018. The participants of the study were both ordinary level learners, ordinary level Biology teachers, Deputy Head teachers and Head teachers. Open-ended questionnaires, interview and documents review were both utilized to gather the data. 110 learners were asked to complete the questionnaires while 4 Biology teachers, 2 Deputy Head teachers and 2 Head teachers were interviewed. The collected data were analyzed qualitatively by content and thematic analysis. The data were interpreted using literature review and the findings were also presented in graphs using Microsoft Excel. The results indicated that the root causes of the students’ poor performance in Biology are namely: English language as medium of instruction, insufficient laboratory equipment, insufficient teaching and learning materials, inappropriate teaching methodology, amount of content and time allocated, inadequate involvement of parents in learners’ education, poverty, students’ absenteeism and school environment. All factors were not explored, there might be other causes that affect learners’ performance in biology subject of rural ordinary level schools. The researcher finally made recommendations to the various education stakeholders to improve the academic performance.
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