Comparative palynomorphological study of two species in the valley of Zagoria, Gjirokastra, Albania
Pollen grain, 3-4-5 Colporate, Exine, Viola, Centaurea, AlbaniaAbstract
In this study there are demonstrated for the first time in albanian literature the palynomorphologic characteristics of two types of plants (Centaurea epirota and Viola epirota), collected in Zagoria valley, Gjirokastra region, in Albania.
To carry out the study, light microscopy was used and it was concluded that the pollen grains of Centaurea epirota were 3 colporate, isopolar, with radial symmetry. In the polar view, the pollen grains have a circular triangular shape while in the equatorial view they have a compressed oval shape. Exine appeared scabrate.
Viola epirota consisted of 3-4 colporate, sometimes even 5 colporate pollen grains. In the polar view, the pollen grains had a circular shape of 3 or 4 angles, sometimes even 5 angles while in the equatorial view they had an elliptical shape. Exine appeared granulate.
To see the impact of ecological factor and the method of laboratory processing of pollen grains, the size of the new species studied was compared with the size of the pollen grains of Centaurea cyanus and Viola alba, Viola odorata and Viola arvensis, taken from the native literature.
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