Leucas zeylanica is a Bangladeshi plant with significant medicinal prospect: A review
Leucas zeylanica, Folkloric system, Phytoconstituents, Pharmacological activities, Lead compoundsAbstract
Leucas zeylanica is one of the most precious gifts of nature to the entire civilization. It offers folkloric system a dependable option to heal numerous diseases like- burning urination, toothaches, common skin diseases, gout, inflammatory conditions, rheumatic diseases, abdominal pain, worms, anorexia, colic, flatulence, etc. Many of these ancient practices have got their scientific resemblances like- using as an agent for treating common pains, oxidative stresses, microbial infections, sleep disorders, inflammations, gout associated pains, thrombosis and sunlight related skin damages. Some researchers also isolated a huge bunch of vital phytochemicals like- torosaflavone A, drymariatin C, daidzein, luteolin 3′,4′-dimethyl ether, apigenin, tricin, chrysoeriol, linarigenin, β-sitosterol, stigmasterol, hexadecanoic acid, octadecanoic acid, 9,12,15- octadecatrienoic acid, farnesene, β-caryophyllene, caryophyllene oxide, phytol, β-cubebene, α-selinene, α-tocopherol etc. from different crude extracts of Leucas zeylanica. Making proper correlation between these phytoconstituents with the general utilizations of this plant will assist scientists to develop auspicious lead compounds. This review covers a summary of ethnomedicinal, phytochemical and biological studies of several crude preparations of Leucas zeylanica.
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