Metal ion chelation and anti-glycation properties of polysaccharides of Phyllanthus amarus plant
Phyllanthus amarus, Antioxidant, Antiglycation, Advanced glycation end products, Diabetes, Free radicalsAbstract
The study was conducted to investigate the in vitro anti-glycation activity of Phyllanthus amarus plant extract. The above plant has been used for centuries for its useful health benefits in variety of inflammatory diseases. In current study, antioxidant, metal chelating and ferric ion reducing and antiglycation property was studied for the polysaccharides isolated from Phyllanthus amarus plant extract. At 25 μg/mL sugar concentration and Vitamin C, gave 57 % and 65 % inhibition in hydroxyl radical scavenging assay and in Antiglycation assay the extract and vitamin C showed 65% and 87% respectively. It also had metal ion chelating (PAPE 74%, Ascorbic acid 88%) and ferric ion reducing activity showed by PAPE IS about 68% when compared to standard metal ion chelator EDTA 90%. It inhibited fructosamine formation by 52% after 3 days of incubation. The above studies gave an opinion that the inhibition of glycation exhibited by extract was due to its free radical scavenging property but also due to the modification in the amino or carbonyl groups resulted in the inhibition of fructosamine formation. The polysaccharides of the extract may be donating the hydrogen atom to the free radical, and exhibiting the antioxidant activity. So polysaccharide isolated from Phyllanthus amarus plant may use in preventing many free radicals induced diseases and also in delaying or preventing complications of diabetes.
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