A Review on the different studies on aromatherapy conducted in the Philippines
Aromatherapy, Essential oils, Complementary and Alternative Medicine, PhilippinesAbstract
Aromatherapy has become prevalent in complementary and alternative medicine to treat ill conditions. The common substances utilized in this type of therapy are essential oils which contains odoriferous compounds. These substances can be directly applied or thru infusion in the closed environmental air. There are wide applications of aromatherapy from massage therapies up to its potential therapeutic utilizations. Across the globe in different countries, the custom of aromatherapy is gaining an acceptance in their respective health care systems. In the Philippines the use of aromatherapy is gaining its prominence to be an established complementary and alternative commodity. This article is focused to summarize the different published and available research information about aromatherapy conducted across the regions in the Philippines. This type of therapy is a prospective technique that could support customary health care procedures in treating diseases physiologically and psychologically in the Philippine health care setting.
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