Clonal propagation of Chrysanthemum morifolium ramat using various explants obtained from field grown plants
Clonal propagation, Chrysanthemum, Plant Tissue culture, Nodal Segments, SuckersAbstract
A reliable and rapid large scale micropropagation method has been established from the node, shoots tip and leaf explant of Chrysanthemum morifolium growing in field condition. Experiments were conducted to standardize the culture media with plant hormone for multiple shoot proliferation and rooting for obtaining plantlets with uniform characteristics like mother plant in terms of growth and habits. Different concentrations and combinations of auxins (IAA) and cytokinins (BAP, Kin) were used in MS for the above purpose. Maximum shoot regeneration was found in MS treated with 2.0 mg/l BAP both in node and shoot tip explants. In the above combination, nodal explants produced 16 initial shoots. Shoot tip explants produced 12 shoots and leaf segment produced 07 shoots. For in vitro rooting, different concentrations of IBA and NAA were used. Higher rooting percentage was recorded on MS fortified with 1.5 mg/l IBA. The rooted plantlets were hardened and successfully established in the soil. About 90% of the regenerated plantlets survived in the natural environment.
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