Applying growth hormone as an adjuvant to correct poor prognosis outcomes in IVF: Study 2 compares dehydroepiandrosterone


  • John Lui Yovich Department of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences Curtin University Perth, Western Australia Australia 6845.
  • Shanthi Srinivasan PIVET Medical Centre Perth, Western Australia Australia 6007.
  • Mark Sillender PIVET Medical Centre Perth, Western Australia Australia 6007.
  • Shipra Gaur PIVET Medical Centre Perth, Western Australia Australia 6007.
  • Philip Rowlands PIVET Medical Centre Perth, Western Australia Australia 6007.
  • Peter Michael Hinchliffe PIVET Medical Centre Perth, Western Australia Australia 6007.



In vitro fertilization [IVF], Intracytoplasmic sperm injection [ICSI], Adjuvants, Recombinant growth hormone [rGH], Dehydroepiandrosterone [DHEA], Live birth productivity rate [LBPR]


This retrospective study examines the influence of recombinant growth hormone (rGH) and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) adjuvants on oocyte numbers, embryo utilization and live births arising from 3637 autologous IVF±ICSI treatment cycles undertaken on 2376 women across ten years (2011-2020) within a pioneer Australian facility. Despite using an FSH-dosing algorithm enabling maximal doses up to 450 IU for women with reduced ovarian reserve, younger women had significantly higher mean numbers of oocytes recovered than older women ranging from 11.1 for women <35 years to 9.4 for women aged 35-39 years reducing to 6.5 for women aged 40-44 years and 4.1 for those aged ≥45 years (p<0.0001). Overall, the embryo utilization rate was 48.5% and live birth productivity rate was 35.4 % across all ages and neither rGH nor DHEA showed any benefit on these rates, in fact, those women with nil adjuvants showed the highest live birth rate per initiated cycle (44.94% overall: p<0.0001, and 55.2% for the youngest group: p<0.001). Embryo utilization was increased by rGH in those women aged 40-44 years who had low ovarian reserve (p<0.0001), but this benefit did not translate into any improvement in the live birth rate, in fact those women who did not use adjuvants had the highest overall birth rate (p<0.0001). Similarly, other factors known to cause a poor prognosis, including low IGF-1 profile, recurrent implantation failure, and low oocyte numbers at OPU, showed no improvement in embryo utilization nor in live births from the adjuvants. The relevance of embryo quality was examined on 1135 women whose residual embryos after a single fresh-embryo transfer failed to develop to a suitable grade for cryopreservation. From 1727 cycles such women often displayed an improved embryo utilization rate with both rGH, and with DHEA or combined rGH+DHEA. Even so, live birth rates were not improved by either of the adjuvants excepting young women <35 years using rGH without DHEA (p<0.05). Examining poor prognosis sub-groups, indicated both rGH and DHEA or combined rGH+DHEA consistently improved embryo utilization in those women with low ovarian reserve (p<0.0001), or those with low IGF-1 levels (p<0.0001) or with recurrent implantation failure (p<0.02). All the poor-prognosis sub-groups showed low live birth rates and, notwithstanding the improvements in embryo utilization, the live birth rates were not significantly improved by the adjuvants, albeit the rates were closer to the nil adjuvant groups (not significantly different).


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How to Cite

Yovich, J. L. ., Srinivasan, S. ., Sillender, M. ., Gaur, S. ., Rowlands, P. ., & Hinchliffe, P. M. . (2021). Applying growth hormone as an adjuvant to correct poor prognosis outcomes in IVF: Study 2 compares dehydroepiandrosterone. GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 16(3), 164–190.



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