Distribution of some important honey plants visited by honey bees for feeding purposes in Narman (Erzurum, Turkey) natural pasture vegetation


  • Mahir Murat Cengiz Department of Plant and Animal Production, Ataturk University Erzurum Vocational School, Erzurum, TR-25540, Turkey.
  • Muhammet Ali Tunç Department of Animal Science, Ataturk University Vocational High School of Narman, Narman, TR-25530 Turkey.




Honey bee (Apis mellifera L), Honey plant, Legume, Vegetation


Narman district is located at Eastern Anatolia Region of Turkey. Average altitude is 1650 m, annual total precipitation is about 420 mm. In study area main economic activity is animal husbandry and animal production has made traditional practices, based on rangelands. This study carried out to determine honey plants, frequently visited by honey bees in 20 different locations of Narman. Total 56 plant species were determined and half of these plant species determined as visited plant species by honey bees. Most of honey plant species, determined in locations were wide leafy forbs and some of them were legume species. To determine botanical composition of rangeland vegetation in different locations line intercept method was used. The percentage of all plant species was calculated and each individual honey plant species percentages were determined. Some Alfalfa, Sainfoin, Lotus, Melilotus, Coronilla and Trifolium species were determined in locations. Thymus, Stachys, Centaurea and Campanula species were determined common plant species visited by honey bees.


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How to Cite

Cengiz, M. M. ., & Tunç, M. A. . (2021). Distribution of some important honey plants visited by honey bees for feeding purposes in Narman (Erzurum, Turkey) natural pasture vegetation. GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 17(3), 217–222. https://doi.org/10.30574/gscbps.2021.17.3.0368



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