Comparative evaluation of the phytochemical, proximate and mineral quality of Nigerian Capsicum annum exposed to open and solar drying
Elemental composition, Pepper, Phytochemical, ProximateAbstract
The study investigated the comparative evaluation of proximate, phytochemical, and elemental quality of Capsicum annum pepper variety. The pepper variety was purchased fresh from local market in Sokoto, Sokoto State Nigeria. The samples were washed thoroughly with distilled water, thinly sliced and sorted into three treatment groups, two of which were subjected to open sun and solar drying methods for 3 weeks and 60 oC for 24 hours respectively. The third was analyzed fresh and hence serves as the control. The dried samples were grounded with an electric blender, weighed and stored in properly labeled air-tight containers. The result of the analysis showed that the fresh sample contains a higher percentage of all the analyzed phytochemicals compared to those exposed to both drying methods. The proximate and elemental analysis of the samples subjected to the drying methods was higher compared to the fresh sample except for the moisture and carbohydrate contents. The result of this analysis revealed that the pepper variety have high nutritive value, medicinal value and can be used to remediate diseases and sustain health.
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