Effect of genotype on slaughtering performance, blood analyses and meat quality of laying hens reared in different conventional cage densities
Chicken, Strain, Settlement frequency, Carcass, Texture, StressAbstract
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of genotype on slaughtering performance, blood analyses and meat quality of laying hens reared in different conventional cage densities. Laying hen flocks consisted of 180 Novogen White, 180 ATAK-S and 180 ISA-Brown at 72 weeks old reared in different conventional cage densities (312.50 cm2/hen and 468.75 cm2/hen). In the trial, one bird per each replica (9 in replica) were selected from every treatment (6 in treatment, 54 birds in total), and their body weights were weighed. Then, they were slaughtered and the carcass traits and some organs were weighed. Also, the blood and breast meat samples were taken for biochemical and meat analyses. In general, the ISA-Brown and ATAK-S strains received higher values than the Novogen White strain in terms of carcass traits. Also, according to stress parameters, it was observed that ISA-Brown strain was more resistant than others in high cage density. Moreover, the bacterial count and meat quality results of hens, the ISA-Brown strain is better than other strains. However, the texture analyses results of the Novogen White strain are better than ISA-Brown and ATAK-S strains. As a result, the meat quality of the laying hens can be affected at different levels depending on the genetic structure of the chickens and the cage density of which they are reared.
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