Molecular diversity of multi-resistant and extended–spectrum beta lactamase–producing Escherichia coli from door handles in Lafia, central Nigeria
Escherichia coli, Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase, blaTEM, blaSHV, blaCTX-M, Restriction fragment length polymorphismAbstract
Human hands have been implicated as a major source of dissemination of pathogenic microorganisms through fomites. This study investigated the diversity of ESBL-producing in E. coli isolates from door handles using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). An occurrence of 77(19.25%) of E. coli out of 400 samples was recovered from different locations. The study of antibiotics resistance showed that ampicillin, ceftazidime, and streptomycin were predominantly resistant. Multiple antibiotics resistance index of ≥0.3 was recorded in 73(94.81%) of the isolates. A total of 40 resistant phenotypes were observed in this study, with AMP-AUG-CAZ-CRO-S-CIP-SXT-TE-C being the commonest. Twenty isolates were characterised as Multidrug resistant (MDR) phenotypes, followed by, pan drug resistance (PDR) and extensive resistance (XDR) phenotypes recorded in 12 and 8 isolates respectively. Thirty-six (36) ESBL-producers were identified out of which 14 harboured blaTEM, while 5 and 9 were carriers of blaSHV and blaCTX-M respectively. Most of the isolates shared a common origin, as revealed by result of the RFLP. The outcome of this study suggests the need for improved personal hygiene and the need for all stakeholders to be proactive in curtailing the spread of resistant pathogens.
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