Functional characteristics of cocoa bean powder of the Mercedes and Theobroma cacao varieties from the Lôh-djiboua and Indenie-djuablin regions (Côte d'Ivoire)
Mercedes, Theobroma cacao, Cocoa beans, Functional propertiesAbstract
The objective of this study is to reveal the existence of a difference in the functional properties of cocoa bean powders of the two varieties Mercedes and Theobroma cacao from two major cocoa producing areas of Côte d'Ivoire. For industrial use, the functional properties were determined using standard methods. It appears from this study that no significant difference was observed at the 5 % threshold (P≥0.05) in the mean apparent densities of the cocoa powders studied. The bulk density was 0.59±0.01 g/mL for the Abengourou’s Mercedes variety and 0.63±0.01 g/mL for Abengourou’s Theobroma cacao. On the other hand, a significant difference at the threshold of 5 % (P≤0.05) was observed in the averages of water absorption capacity, water solubility index and porosity of cocoa powders in the regions studied. The water absorption capacity is 213.29±0.68 % for Abengourou’s Mercedes and 279.25±3.12 % for Divo’s Mercedes. The water solubility index is 34.39±0.65 % for Abengourou’s Mercedes and 41.15±0.65 % for Divo’s Mercedes; the porosity is 22.58±0.9 % for Abengourou’s Mercedes and 31.72±1.16 % for Divo’s Theobroma cacao. The functional properties of the beans of the Mercedes and Theobroma cacao varieties analyzed and the statistical values allowed us to see that there is no significant variation from one region to another and from one variety to other both within the same region and outside the region. Research should, in addition to high productivity, be directed towards strengthening the rates of functional parameters.
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