Prediction of active filing shelf in medical record unit - General hospital Dr. H. Soewondo Kendal 2020 – 2024
Medical records unit, Prediction of shelf needs, Medic record documents, Inactive document, Retention of medical recordsAbstract
General hospital Dr. H. Soewondo Kendal is a local government hospital. Improving medical support services, especially the quality of medical record archiving services, is essential to maintain the quality of hospitals in the context of good hospital standards. This study aims to predict the need for archive shelves between 2015-2019. The type of research used is descriptive with accidental sampling technique. Patient medical records were collected using a systematic sampling technique. The observation results showed that the average thickness of medical record documents was 0.85 cm based on measurements on 30 samples of medical record documents. The hospital has 48 shelves with 5 sub-shelves on each shelf. The length of the available archives is 525 cm and by 2024 a total of 37 shelfs will be needed. Modeling results based on linear regression equations have decreased medical record documents since 2015-2019 y = - 782.9x +30636. However, the linear regression validation for the cumulative medical record documents for 2015-2019 shows an increase based on the regression equation y = 28439 x + 1112.2, therefore it is necessary to immediately save the medical record document in an active state. The conclusion delivered by Dr. H. Soewondo Kendal does not need an additional archive shelf, but it does require inactive document storage.
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