Antipyretic effect of ethanol extract of plant leaves of garden croton (Codiaeum variegatum) in male mice
Codiaeum variegatum, Garden croton, Antipyretic drug, PuringAbstract
Codiaeum variegatum (L.) is known to contain bioactive compounds that have many pharmacological properties such as abortifacient, antiamoebic, antibacterial, anticancer, antifungal, and antioxidant. This study aims to reveal whether the ethanol fraction of leaf extract of this plant has antipyretic activity. The male mice (n=25) with a weigh range of 20 – 30 g were divided into five groups (5 mice each). To make pyrexia condition, the animals were induced with DPT-HB-HIB vaccine. The ingredients given to the animals were as follows: distilled water as the negative control; standard drug (paracetamol) as positive control; and three different dosage of croton leaves extract namely: 71.5, 143 and 286 mg/kg BW. The body temperature of the mice was measured using a digital thermometer through the rectal opening every 30 minutes for 180 minutes. The results showed that ethanol fraction of croton plant leaf extract at the dosage of 143 and 286 mg/kg BW statistically have the same effect as paracetamol in decreasing body temperature of mice. Therefore, it can be concluded that plant extract of garden croton is potential to be used as antipyretic remedy.
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