Case report: A 62-year-old woman with glandular odontogenic cyst


  • Stefania Erra SC Surgical Pathology, Santo Spirito Hospital, Casale Monferrato, Italy.
  • Alessia Frigeri SC Surgical Pathology, Santo Spirito Hospital, Casale Monferrato, Italy.
  • Paolo Chiaudani SSD Odontostomatology, Santo Spirito Hospital, Casale Monferrato, Italy.
  • Gianluca Ferrari SSD Odontostomatology, Santo Spirito Hospital, Casale Monferrato, Italy.



Odontogenic cyst, Aggressive cyst, Jaws


Glandular odontogenic cyst (GOC) is an uncommon developmental and aggressive cyst of jaws with unpredictable behaviour. Generally, it is seen in middle-aged adults and involves the anterior region of the jaws, especially the mandible, with a tendency to recur. The case described in this report regards a 62-year-old female with a presentation of a glandular odontogenic cyst, without any anamnestic pathological history.


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How to Cite

Erra, S., Frigeri, A., Chiaudani, P., & Ferrari, G. (2019). Case report: A 62-year-old woman with glandular odontogenic cyst. GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 6(3), 085–088.



Case Study

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