The plants traded at the nursery of Jatikarya, Bekasi District, West Java Province, Indonesia
Nursery, Jatikarya, Ficus campanulataAbstract
Nursery is a places to buy, sell, care, and maintain various types of beneficial plants. The type and value of selling plants varies between regions depending on the needs and supply. This study aims to determine the species and economic value of plants traded in the nursery of Jatikarya, Bekasi District, West Java Province, Indonesia. Theresearch was conducted a survey and interviews to the nursery owners or employees. The list of questionnaire were local name of the plants, source of acquisition, supplying, purchasing and selling price of each plants. A number of 130 species belonging 96 genera and 56 families traded at the Jatikarya nursery and the selling price was about 5,000 – 5.000,000 IDR. The trading plants uses as ornament, sources of fruit, ground cover, and shade. The selling value of each species depends on the size, supply, age, method of breeding, and maintenance. The bonsai plants such as Korean banyan (Ficus campanulata/ Moraceae) and anting putri (Wrightia religiosa/ Apocynaceae) have expensive. The rambutans (Nephelium lappaceum) and guavas (Psidium guajava) are the most popular of fruit plants. The krokots (Portulaca glandiflora) and lili paris (Chlorophytum comosum) are easy to propagate with affordable prices (5,000-10,000 IDR) per unit. In order to increase the productivity of nursery and conservation, it is important to promote and to socialize the role of plants.
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