Essential oils and uses of Eryngium foetidum L
Eryngium foetidum, Anti-microbial, Essential oil, antioxidantAbstract
Eryngium foetidum is a species belonging Apiaceae which is used as medicine, vegetables, and spices. The plants used as medicine related to its secondary metabolites. The writing of this article is based on a literature review obtained online sources and offline used keywords Eryngium foetidum, secondary metabolites of E. foetidum, and uses of E. foetidum. In ethnobotany E. foetidum used to treat fever, hypertension, headache, abdominal pain, asthma, arthritis, diarrhea, and malaria. The essential oil of E. foetidum is dominated by (E) -2-dodecenal, dodecanoic acid, trans-2-dodecanoic acid, (E) -2-tridecenal, duraldehyde, and tetradecane. The bioactivity of E. foetidum has anti-microbial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. The ability of E. foetidum essential oils as an anti-microbial is very potential to be developed as a natural food preservative.
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