Eclipta prostrata (L.) L. (uses and bioactivities)
Eclipta prostrate, Anti-cancer, Anti-oxidant, BioactivitiesAbstract
Eclipta prostrata has been long used by humans as traditional medicine and hair fertilizer. This study aims to explain the relationship between utilization and bioactivity of E. prostrata. The method used is a literature review of articles published online on Google Scholar using the keywords E. prostrata, uses E. prostrata, and bioactivity of E. prostrata. Ethnobotanically, E. prostrata is used to treat liver disorders, liver tonic, respiratory disorders (asthma, cough), hepatitis, snake venom poisoning, and gastritis. In the field of beauty E. prostrata is used to nourish hair and treat baldness. The E. prostrata has bioactivity to treat neurodegeneration, asthma, anti-cancer, overcoming baldness, anti-diabetes mellitus, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, hepatoprotective, anti-osteoporosis, and anti-hypercholesterolemia. The bioactivity of E. prostrata is related to the content of its secondary metabolite compounds. Echinocystic acid and ecclalbasaponin II from E. prostrata are associated with anti-cancer activity.
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